
Kelly Clutterbuck
Joining Voltalia: a story about opportunities

We are pleased to meet Kelly Clutterbuck, Development Director for Europe. After completing her studies in English language, English literature and drama studies at she entered the renewable energy sector, after some short work experience in the nuclear industry. Long story short, she fell in love with the sector, and today she is the Development Director for Europe, managing teams to extend Voltalia's activities in Egypt, Romania, Albania, Slovakia and Uzbekistan.

05 July 2024
Agrivoltaics: a powerful combination of agriculture and energy production
Agrivoltaics: a powerful combination of agriculture and energy production

Agrivoltaics is an innovative symbiosis between farming and renewable energy production. The aim is to perpetuate a sustainable agricultural production while addressing the challenges of climate change and energy production. For each agrivoltaic project, Voltalia analyses all specific challenges and opportunities of the farm, to create a successful, operable and resilient system.

04 June 2024
Maxime Morel: From Hydro Prospector to Asset Owner RE
Maxime Morel: From Hydro Prospector to Asset Owner RE

Maxime Morel joined Voltalia almost nine years ago. Talking about adventure seems to be the most appropriate terminology, far from cliché, to illustrate his career at Voltalia. From Paris to Remire-Montjoly, from hydro to wind energy, from prospector to asset owner, many doors have opened to him over the years, resulting in an atypical and highly rounded career path.

09 April 2024
Woman energy at Voltalia
Woman energy at Voltalia

The renewable energy sector is a dynamic field: a fertile ground for innovations, with diverse profiles of companies driving solutions designed to accelerate the energy transition. Companies like Voltalia, committed to this transition, have significantly grown over the years. Since its establishment in 2005, Voltalia has greatly expanded its activities, and this wouldn't have been possible without the men and women who have joined us in backing this growth. On this international women’s day we wanted to share the path of two Women who play a key role at Voltalia.

04 March 2024
Mission: Voltalia invited to a Kuarup Ceremony in the Amazon
Mission: Voltalia invited to a Kuarup Ceremony in the Amazon

Advancing both environmental preservation and local development is Voltalia's primary goal. This commitment is exemplified by its involvement in the Association for the Virgin Forest (AFV), dedicated to protecting the Amazon rainforest and supporting its communities. In this context, Patrick Delbos, Director of Voltalia France, was invited to a traditional ceremony within the Xingu territory. Here is a video testimonial of this unique experience.

22 February 2024
How to choose the right Operations and Maintenance provider
How to choose the right Operations and Maintenance provider

A plant shutdown, even a partial one, results in a direct loss of yield and can have a significant impact on your revenue. Choosing a reliable and responsive Operations and Maintenance (O&M) provider allows you to anticipate this risk. Here’s an overview of the key criteria you should consider to make the right choice.

11 December 2023
Voltalia’s commitment to biomass and electricity storage
Voltalia’s commitment to biomass and electricity storage

Only 11% of France’s electricity is generated from renewable sources. The main obstacle to a fully renewable energy mix is the intermittency of certain alternative sources, making continuous production impossible. Could biomass and electrical energy storage provide a sustainable solution to this problem? Our engineers are exploring these two promising avenues every day.

04 December 2023
The benefits of solar panels for your home
A career in renewable energy: French Guiana, a land of opportunity
As French Guiana’s leading private electricity producer, the Voltalia Group is proud to have delivered major projects that have transformed the region’s energy landscape. Want to learn more? Read on to find out what we’ve been up to!
08 November 2023
Eduardo Guimarães: A Journey in Renewable Energy and Mentorship

In the dynamic realm of renewable energy, Eduardo Guimaraes is a noteworthy figure whose career is marked by passion, dedication, and a commitment to sustainability. His early fascination with electromechanics and electronics paved the way for a fulfilling professional journey.

11 October 2023
Voltalia’s financial strength
Voltalia, an international player in renewable energy, is an independent energy producer from its own power plants and a service provider across the entire value chain. As a pioneer in the market of services for industrial and tertiary businesses, Voltalia offers a comprehensive range of services, including direct supply of green electricity, energy efficiency services, and decentralized on-site production through its subsidiary Helexia.
06 September 2023

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