Ethics & Compliance

Voltalia's mission is to improve the global environment by fostering local development, and all employees are expected to contribute to its achievement. However, this mission is only meaningful if, in carrying it out, we act in accordance with the ethical principles of a good corporate citizen.

Ethics policy & procedures

Modern slavery
Statement 2024
Ethics Guide & Code of Conduct

Ethics and Compliance

Voltalia's mission is to improve the global environment by promoting local development. All employees, and all those who contribute to this mission, are called upon to contribute to its realization, which is now enshrined in Voltalia's bylaws. However, this mission is only meaningful if we act in accordance with the ethical principles of a responsible company.

Our responsibility goes beyond compliance with the applicable regulatory framework. As a promoter of renewable energy around the world, we intend to continue to develop our business while remaining true to the values that guide our teams: integrity, ingenuity, team spirit and entrepreneurship. It is essential that our business practices are embedded at all levels of the company.

Voltalia has therefore decided to adopt a code of ethics and conduct to which all our employees and stakeholders (customers, suppliers, subcontractors, partners and contractors) must adhere, thus formalizing a shared commitment to act ethically and in accordance with our values. Colleagues, stakeholders and the local communities in which we operate: it is essential that everyone is aware of our commitment to these values. This is the key to gaining the lasting trust of our stakeholders and a long-term competitive advantage.

We ask that you adhere strictly to these principles, without fail and without compromise.

Measures put in place

Protecting our employees and stakeholders


Recruitment, compensation or promotion cannot be based on anything other than professional competence and the respect of our ethical rules.


Harassment covers a wide range of unwanted and/or unwelcome behavior of an offensive nature directed toward an individual or group. It is generally understood as behavior that disrupts, restricts or affects the dignity, or disrupts the person, whether by action, words or writing.

fair competition

Fair competition rules prohibit entering into any type of agreement or arrangement (even oral or informal) with a competitor that affects, limits or restricts fair competition, particularly with respect to prices, territories, markets or customers.